Ideal Boilers, Hull
Form of Contract
JCT Design & Build
Groupe Atlantic
Principal Designer
GGP Consulting
GGP Consulting
66 Weeks
Live Project
Works Scope
This project consists of the remediation of the site and the crushing of excavated and old concrete hard standings to allow the construction of a new distribution building, a steel-radiator manufacturing building, an office block and a new gatehouse. All external wor
ks had to be constructed following extensive site clearance activities along with de-contamination of the ground.
We installed completely new drainage and undertook infrastructure works including a pumping station and a substation along with associated external works, whilst the site remained live and in operation.
This included the formation of a new site entrance off National Avenue, stormwater attenuation drainage, a new lagoon and a gatehouse. In order to coordinate the design and programme, we utilised 3D modelling.
Key Project Challenges
- It became evident that there were still significant substructures and obstructions that prevented the piles from being driven.
- Management of the ground contamination, remediation strategy and high-water table.
How we successfully delivered the project
Sufficient resources were provided to ensure that the probing and removal of extensive obstructions could be carried out in advance of piling thereby never causing the progress of piling to be delayed.
Throughout the preconstruction phase we worked in collaboration with the client and specialist subcontractors to coordinate the design and programme with the use of 3D modelling and introduced collaborative planning techniques to proactively manage the project.
Close liaison, collaboration and daily scheduling meetings to ensure that the client’s operations could continue whilst the works could be safely completed. This enabled early installation of the racking whilst Britcon finished the M&E works allowing the client to commence using the facility at an earlier stage in the construction programme.
- Design and build contract
- Collaborative planning and de-risking
- Civils and Building works
- New incoming Pumping Station and Substation
- Major remediation and muck shift
- Demolition of previous buildings
- 278 Highways works
- Local supply chain use/directly employed subcontracted works